The state of development of the problem of the functioning of state internal control in the conditions of martial law and the systematization of contradictions and imperfections in the subject area

Keywords: internal control, contradictions, martial law


The purpose of the work: is to study the problem of the functioning of state internal control in the conditions of martial law, to identify contradictions and imperfections in the subject area.

Method: in order to realize the purpose of the research, its decomposition was carried out and the content of publicly available dissertations and publications was analyzed; contradictions in the theory are identified; certain imperfections in practice have been established.

The results of the research will be used during the development of the current concept of control over the use (development) of resources in the Defense Forces of Ukraine during the legal regime of martial law.

The theoretical value of the research lies in the establishment of methodical and methodological contradictions and imperfections in the subject area.

Originality/value of the research: original sources were used in the research.

Limitations of the study: The limitation of the study is the use of publicly available information.

Type of article: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Loishyn, A. (2023). The state of development of the problem of the functioning of state internal control in the conditions of martial law and the systematization of contradictions and imperfections in the subject area. Social Development and Security, 13(5), 163-179.
Social Sciences