Methodology for organizing the interaction of subjects of integrated border management to counter terrorism at international checkpoints

Keywords: terrorism, interaction, checkpoint, integrated border management


Purpose: to develop a methodology that describes the procedure for organizing the interaction of subjects of integrated border management to counter terrorism at international checkpoints.

Method: analysis, synthesis, deduction, generalization, induction.

Findings: a methodology for organizing the interaction of subjects of integrated border management to counter terrorism at international checkpoints is proposed.

Theoretical implications: the research contains a new procedure for the formation of logically consistent stages of joint work of the subjects of integrated border management aimed at building capacity to perform tasks to counter-terrorism at international checkpoints.

Practical value of the study: the results of the study can be used by the governing bodies and representatives of the subjects of integrated border management to improve the processes of organizing cooperation in countering terrorism at international checkpoints across the state border of Ukraine.

Originality: the developed methodology consists of preparatory and main stages and contains a clear procedure for organizing and adjusting the interaction processes.

Paper type: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Polishchuk, D. (2023). Methodology for organizing the interaction of subjects of integrated border management to counter terrorism at international checkpoints. Social Development and Security, 13(5), 51-62.
National and Military Security