The approach to the formation of recommendation for increasing the efficiency of activities

Keywords: explosive objects, mine action, demining, mine situation


Purpose: is to increase the effectiveness of units in the implementation of mine countermeasures in the allegedly contaminated and contaminated territory of Ukraine, water areas and infrastructure facilities.

Method: analysis synthesis comparison of formalization and evaluation of material.

Findings: the given approach makes it possible to form recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of mine action activities, taking into account the use of the same type of demining units (groups) with the same capabilities and productivity, as well as different types of demining units (groups) with different capabilities and productivity, which are determined by the appropriate number and quality composition of demining means.

Theoretical implications: the analysis of the impact of some factors on mine action in Ukraine and the proposed methodical approach to determining the contribution of these heuristically grouped factors to the effectiveness of PMD measures will allow high-quality implementation of PMD measures by increasing their effectiveness in the state and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Paper type: theoretical.


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DSTU-P 8820:2018 Anti-mine activity. Management processes. Substantive provisions.

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How to Cite
Komisarov, M. (2023). The approach to the formation of recommendation for increasing the efficiency of activities. Social Development and Security, 13(5), 45-50.
National Security