The main theoretical and practical aspects of leadership development in the training system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: foreign and domestic experience

Keywords: leadership, mentoring, training


Purpose: The purpose of the article is to determine the main theoretical and practical aspects of leadership development in the training system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine based on the analysis of foreign and domestic experience.

Method: the main methods of research are methods of analysis and synthesis; method of comparison; formalization; abstraction and observation.

Findings: The main results of the article are: the results of the analysis of existing leadership systems in some foreign countries and domestic experience on this issue; approaches to the formation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of leadership theory: domestic and foreign experience; the main elements of the system of training leaders in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; defined role and place of leadership in the system of training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; peculiarities of the development of mentoring in the activity of military leadership; recommendations on the development of the leadership system in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Theoretical implications: the theoretical value of the study consists in determining theoretical and practical views on the development of the leadership system in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, taking into account the trends of their development in the world and domestic experience.

Paper type: analytical, theoretical and methodical, descriptive.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Semenenko, L., Dobrovolskyi, Y., Vodchyts, O., Yarmolchyk, M., & Piekhota, S. (2023). The main theoretical and practical aspects of leadership development in the training system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: foreign and domestic experience. Social Development and Security, 13(4), 224-239.
Social Sciences

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