Methodology for substantiating the choice of a rational version of the structure of the defense resource management system of the security and defense sector of Ukraine

Keywords: security, resources, planning


Purpose: The purpose of the article is to develop a methodology for justifying the choice of a rational version of the structure of the defense resource management system of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in peacetime and a special period.

Method: the main methods of research are the methods of analysis and synthesis, mathematical statistics, induction and deduction, the expert method based on pairwise comparisons, as well as the methods of formalization and abstraction.

Findings: the main results of research on the topic of the article are: the results of the analysis of existing foreign and domestic publications and research on the topic of evaluating variants of the defense resource management system; the results of the formulation of tasks and functions of the defense resource management system; the method of substantiating the choice of a rational version of the structure of the defense resources management system of the security and defense sector of Ukraine; prospects for further improvement of defense resource management systems and defense management in Ukraine.

Theoretical implications: the theoretical value of the results of the article consists in determining the general order (structural-logical scheme) of evaluating alternative variants of the defense resource management system in order to choose a rational one among them.

Paper type: methodical, practical, computational and analytical.


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How to Cite
Skurinevska, L. (2023). Methodology for substantiating the choice of a rational version of the structure of the defense resource management system of the security and defense sector of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 13(4), 203-223.
Social Sciences