Modern features of benchmarking of the defense industry of Turkey in the context of experience for Ukraine

Keywords: benchmarking, military spending, Turkish


Purpose: is to determine the modern features of the benchmarking of the defense industry of Turkey as an experience for the development of the defense industry of Ukraine.

Method: the main methods of research are methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of military economic theory, methods of evaluation and comparison, induction and deduction, as well as comparison, formalization, abstraction.

Findings: The article reveals the main theoretical aspects of benchmarking the defense industry of Turkey as an experience for the development of the defense industry of Ukraine. The main results of the article: the main aspects (directions) of the benchmarking of the defense industry of Turkey and Ukraine have been formed; the main components of the defense industry of Turkey are defined; a list of the main defense industrial plants, companies and institutions of this country, which contribute to the provision of the armed forces and defense capability of the country, was formed; a list of the main types of weapons produced and exported by Turkey was created; the dynamics of GDP and military expenditures of Turkey and Ukraine were determined and their comparative analysis was carried out; directions and components of the borrowing of Turkey's experience by Ukraine in the process of our state's development of its own defense and industrial complex are determined.

Theoretical implications: the analysis of the theoretical aspects of benchmarking in the defense industry of Turkey is important for understanding the capabilities of the defense industry of Ukraine and the challenges facing it, and the implementation of benchmarking can become a key tool for improving competitiveness, innovative development and cooperation at the international level.

Paper type: theoretical, descriptive, practical, methodical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Ostapets, O., Tolok, P., Sirchenko, R., Onofriichuk, P., & Tarasov, O. (2023). Modern features of benchmarking of the defense industry of Turkey in the context of experience for Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 13(4), 185-202.
Social Sciences

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