Recommendations and prospects for introducing the experience of foreign countries into the system of forming the genesis of the development of cyber technologies in the sphere of security and defense of Ukraine

Keywords: cyber technologies, cyber security, cyber weapons, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage


Purpose: is to develop recommendations and determine the prospects of introducing the experience of foreign countries into the system of forming the genesis of the development of cyber technologies in the sphere of security and defense of Ukraine.

Method: the main methods of research are methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of military economic theory, methods of evaluation and comparison, induction and deduction, methods of mathematical statistics.

Findings: In the article: the sequence of formation of the genesis of cyber technologies in the sphere of security and defense of Ukraine is defined; a review of the development of cyber technologies in some countries of the world in the field of security and defense was conducted as of the end of 2021 as part of a positive experience for Ukraine; indicators of funding for the development of cyber technologies in the defense sphere and the country as a whole are disclosed, which reveal the attitude of these countries to the priority of the development of cyber technologies and the attitude of the state leadership to this industry; the directions of further research on the topic of the formation of the genesis of the development of cyber technologies in the sphere of defense of Ukraine were formed.

Theoretical implications: the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of the experience of foreign countries in the system of forming the genesis of the development of cyber technologies in the sphere of security and defense of Ukraine made it possible to formulate general recommendations for the development of cyber technologies in the sphere of security and defense of Ukraine, as well as to determine the ways and terms of their practical implementation.

Paper type: theoretical, descriptive, practical, methodical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Ostrovskyi, S., Bondarenko, M., Vovk, Y., & Kutsenko, D. (2023). Recommendations and prospects for introducing the experience of foreign countries into the system of forming the genesis of the development of cyber technologies in the sphere of security and defense of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 13(4), 63-80.
Engineering and Technology

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