Analysis of methods for assessing the military and economic potential (national power) of states
Purpose: is to analyze existing methods of assessing the military and economic potential of states, identify advantages and disadvantages, and search for possible ways to improve them
Method: analysis and synthesis, method of comparison.
Findings: proposed shifting the emphasis on indicators of technological development when assessing the military and economic potential of states.
Theoretical implications: the results of the research supplement already existing theoretical studies in the field of national power of states, also allowed to form key indicators of innovative development as a component of military and economic potential.
Practical implications: the results of the research can be used in the assessment of the military-economic potential, the national ability of the state to understand its suitability for meeting the needs of the war.
Value: in this study, an analysis of research in the field of assessing the level of national power, military and economic potential was carried out, and further development of this field was proposed, taking into account modern technological trends.
Future research: Future research will be aimed at studying positive and negative experiences to determine the optimal methodology for assessing the military-economic potential (national power) of states.
Papertype: theoretical, practical.
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