Ensuring the sustainability and security of spatial development of Ukraine in the context of global challenges

  • Dmitry Klinovy State institution "Institute of the Natural Resources Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
  • Petro Rogov Central Security Service of Military Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Igor Bistryakov State institution "Institute of the Natural Resources Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Keywords: spatial development, national security, spatial management, nomenclature of territorial units NUTS.


In the article the strategic concept of ensuring the sustainability and security of spatial development of Ukraine in the context of global challenges by modernizing the national spatial development management system into European practice based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Needs CSR-2015 is substantiated. It was estimated that the introduction of the European nomenclature of territorial units NUTS  for the purposes of accounting and other functions of territorial management in Ukraine requires holding, along with decentralization of power, its re-centralization at the level of strategic spatial management - consolidation of regions with the union of regions to the European scale NUTS-1. It has been determined that the allocation of the interregional macro-regions as a regional managerial part without preservation, or with the preservation of the present areas as units of the administrative-territorial system, will contribute to the consolidation of the country's economic space, strengthening the interconnections between regions and in reciprocity with the center, etc., and ensuring consistency and the security of the development of the country and its territories as a holistic national economic complex in  conditions of global threats and challenges of the present day.


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How to Cite
Klinovy, D., Rogov, P., & Bistryakov, I. (2018). Ensuring the sustainability and security of spatial development of Ukraine in the context of global challenges. Social Development and Security, 6(4), 39 -. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1412101