Possible ways of development of prospective Ukrainian UAV systems, taking into account current world trends

Keywords: UAV, drone, swarms, barrage ammunition


Purpose: is opening opportunities to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian manufacturers of UAV systems. Identify the risks and obstacles in this way and the place of the state in this process, as the main customer of venture areas of research funding.

Method: historical analysis, comparative analysis, mathematical calculations, forecasting, the authorsʼ own contemplation.

Findings: the trend of UAV market development and priority ways of UAV systems development are quantified. Potential niches for the Ukrainian manufacturer have been identified.

Theoretical implications: this study was aimed at unlocking the capabilities of national manufacturers of UAV systems, taking into account global trends and the level of interest of leading economies.

Practical implications (if applicable): this work can serve as a basis for further research in the direction of development of the state program for the development of UAV systems in Ukraine and areas of military-technical cooperation with leading countries.

Paper type: analytical.


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How to Cite
Slobodianyk, S., Petrenko, S., Tsybizov, A., & Bondarenko, Y. (2023). Possible ways of development of prospective Ukrainian UAV systems, taking into account current world trends. Social Development and Security, 13(3), 135-145. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2023.13.3.9
Social Sciences