Analysis of the current state of defense planning in ukraine and the main problems related to its further development

Keywords: defense planning, capabilities, strategy, programming, budgeting, resources


Purpose: to analyze and summarize the main achievements of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on the way to effective implementation of capability-based defense planning and to identify the problematic issues that need to be addressed along the way.

Method: decomposition, analysis, generalization, forecasting, authors' own considerations.

Findings: the current state of development of capability-based defense planning is analyzed and the problems that need to be solved quickly in the short term are identified.

Theoretical implications: this research was aimed at discovering the possibilities of capability-based defense planning for a country at war with a much more powerful enemy and forced to seek ways to resist under conditions of limited resources.

Practical implications: This work can serve as a basis for further research on the development of defense planning in the conditions of full-scale aggression and limited resources.

Paper type: analytical.


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How to Cite
Slobodianyk, S., & Onofriychuk, O. (2023). Analysis of the current state of defense planning in ukraine and the main problems related to its further development. Social Development and Security, 13(2), 198-210.
Military Economic Analysis and Evaluation