Problems of ensuring national resistance of Ukraine in conditions of full-scale war
Purpose: is to identify patterns and key factors of Ukraine's stability in the face of a full-scale armed invasion by the Russian Federation.
Method: analyzing and synthesizing the events in Ukraine.
Findings: key factors of national stability were identified.
Theoretical implications: the results of the study complement existing theoretical studies in the field of national stability, and also allowed to form the key factors of national stability by analyzing real events in the conditions of the war, which in terms of scale exceeded all military conflicts on the European continent after the Second World War.
Practical implications: within the scope of the study, the practical measures of the government and citizens of Ukraine, as well as partner countries, which made it possible to preserve Ukrainian statehood and effectively resist aggression from the Russian Federation, are given.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mykola Tkach, Viktor Derevianko, Olena Chaikovska

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