A methodical approach to assessing the level of the stateʼs current defense adequacy
Purpose: consists in characterization those components of the national economy that are directly involved in needs satisfaction of the security and defense sector of the state and, based on the obtained results, not only to provide a possible algorithm for assessing the current level of defense sufficiency, but also to inform the readers about basic definitions of its calculation.
Method: the main research methods are the empirical method (observation) and elementary theoretical analysis and synopsis.
Findings: this paper presents a possible approach to defense sufficiency of the state level assessing, taking into account the parts of the national economy that are directly involved in determining the possibilities of meeting the needs of the country's security and defense sector, and, in the authors' opinion, an appropriate algorithm is presented to systematize the data on the current defense sufficiency of the state level assessing and its components.
Theoretical implications: the authors' attempt to draw attention of readers wide range to the importance of determining the current level of defense sufficiency as national security important indicator of the state, as well as to propose a possible algorithm for both its calculation and its main components.
Paper type: descriptive and computational and analytical.
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