Analysis of the implementation of tasks related to the organization of preparation, operation, technical cover and restoration of military roads

Keywords: infrastructure, military roads, route, preparation


Purpose: coverage of modern problems that arise during the performance of engineering support tasks for the technical cover of military roads of defensive importance, a vivid example of which is the experience of engineering support for the conduct of the Russian-Ukrainian war throughout the territory of our country.

Method: the main research methods are methods of decomposition, system analysis, mathematical modeling and forecasting methods, theoretical research.

Theoretical implications: the analysis of the implementation of tasks related to the organization of preparation, operation, technical cover and restoration of military roads and roads of defensive importance gives us the opportunity to take measures to counter the enemy, however, the experience of conducting hostilities during a large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation indicates a number of problems that require immediate attention solutions, among which will be the timely and high-quality performance of the tasks of supporting the mobility of troops, namely the technical cover of VAD and ADOZ.

Practical implications: the practical consequences arising from the implementation of tasks related to the organization of preparation, operation, technical cover and restoration of military roads and roads of defense significance have been established.

Value: an analysis of the implementation of tasks related to the organization of preparation, operation, technical cover and restoration of military roads and roads of defensive importance during hostilities was carried out.

Papertype: practical.


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How to Cite
Levkovych, A. (2023). Analysis of the implementation of tasks related to the organization of preparation, operation, technical cover and restoration of military roads. Social Development and Security, 13(2), 20-30.
National Security