Role of Strategic Leadership in the Military Human Resource Management’s Strategy

  • Olena Holota The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi
  • Oleksandr Tytkovskyi Internal Audit Department of Defence Ministry of Ukraine
Keywords: Strategic Leadership, Defence Planning Process, Capability, Human Resource Management, Strategy


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine what strategic leader’s attributes, such as qualities, capabilities and behaviours matter for development and implementation of the military human resource management’s strategy throughout capabilities-based defence planning process. Exploring the strategy algorithm presented may offer new insight to military leaders into effective applying their characteristics in human resource management activities.

Methods: theoretical, systematic and functional research methods were used during the work.

The results of the study: during the research it was established that strategic leadership play a key role in a human resource management’s strategy development process with the main strategic leader’s qualities, capabilities and behaviours. In this sense, the strategic leaders’ ability to formulate, make, coordinate and implement strategy as a consistent combination of end-state, strategic goals, consistent actions and resources to achieve them (interrelated combination of ends, ways and means) is of high-priority importance for defence institution building.

Practical implications:  a review of the available literature found little evidence of the study of a possible algorithm for the development of a personnel management strategy in connection with the specifics of strategic leaders. In this article, each of the defined stages of the strategy is presented along with the corresponding attributes and gives readers an opportunity to think about their practical application.

Papertype: practical.


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How to Cite
Holota, O., & Tytkovskyi, O. (2023). Role of Strategic Leadership in the Military Human Resource Management’s Strategy. Social Development and Security, 13(2), 41-53.
Social Sciences