Lessons of the annual confrontation with russia and new opportunities for the Ukrainian defense industry

Keywords: defense industry, aid, armaments and military equipment, cooperation, stocks


Purpose: is an expert analysis of the experience of the year-long military confrontation between Ukraine and the Russian Federation for the defense industry of partner countries and to formulate practical recommendations for the implementation of new opportunities for the Ukrainian defense industry.

Method: is a theoretical-empirical and expert evaluation method.

Findings: The trends in the use of various types of weapons and military equipment on the battlefield are revealed, their impact on the result of the arms confrontation is analyzed. An analysis of the challenges of the defense industry of the EU and the United States to provide their own Armed Forces with weapons and ammunition in the conditions of providing military-technical assistance to Ukraine, which manifested itself after a full-scale Russian invasion, is carried out. Based on the experience of Ukraineʼs annual resistance to Russian aggression, the main tasks and directions of development of the defense industry of the EU and the USA, as well as related new opportunities for the development of the Ukrainian defense industry.

Theoretical implications (if applicable): on a systematic basis, a list and content of specific factors characterizing the strengths and weaknesses of the defense industry products of partner countries, which manifested themselves in the context of the military confrontation between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, as well as opportunities and threats for the Ukrainian defense industry, have been determined.

Practical consequences. The necessity of economic support for the creation of advantages for a country that suffers / can be attacked by an aggressor (due to the availability of strategic stocks of high-tech weapons  and military equipment (including robotic systems) is revealed; strategic stocks of weapons and military equipment of the generation that the aggressor country mainly possesses; the widespread use of modern information and telecommunication systems and technologies; creation of a broad international coalition of countries opposing the aggressor).

Paper type: expert-empirical.


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How to Cite
Begma, V., Shemaev, V., Radov, D., Onofriychuk, A., & Tolok, P. (2023). Lessons of the annual confrontation with russia and new opportunities for the Ukrainian defense industry. Social Development and Security, 13(2), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2023.13.2.1
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