Theoretical aspects of the formation of the outline (perspective model) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the main theories of process-oriented management

Keywords: vision, client range, client dimension, process-oriented management, resources, stakeholders


Purpose: the purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical aspects of the formation of the outline (perspective model) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine based on the main theories of process-oriented management.

Method: the main methods of research are methods of analysis and synthesis; induction and deduction, as well as historical, terminological, functional, systemic, cognitive.

Findings: the main theoretical aspects of the introduction of the theory of process-oriented management into the development system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are formed in the article.

Theoretical implications: the main results of research on the topic of the article are: the disclosure of the theoretical concepts of the theory of process-oriented management in the framework of the transformation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the determination of views on the formation of the model of the client range of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the theory of process-oriented management and the main stakeholders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the framework of the formation of the power and resource-generating potential.

Paper type: theoretical, descriptive, practical, methodical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Onofriichuk, P., Motrunych, I., Chuhui, H., Prokhorskyi, S., & Petrenko, S. (2023). Theoretical aspects of the formation of the outline (perspective model) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the main theories of process-oriented management. Social Development and Security, 13(1), 52-69.
National Security

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