Management of an age-diverse workforce in the company

Keywords: management, age-diverse workforce, managing teams, discrimination, responsibility


Purpose: is the issue of managing an age-diverse workforce in a company or enterprise.

Method: the article used the method of empirical calculations.

The results of the study: during the research it was established that teams are most productive when they are not made up of the same people,  people in the team must be able to work together and respect each other, but at the same time, they should represent different qualities, experiences, and skills that will complement each other for the benefit of the whole team.

Практична цінність дослідження: Cooperation within age-diverse teams increases the value of group or team IQ. It has been empirically proven that the element which most significantly affects group IQ is not the average IQ of individual group members, but rather the level of their emotional intelligence. The key to a high group IQ is harmony in the relationships of group members, communication skills and receptivity.

Papertype: practical.


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How to Cite
Czapran, T. (2023). Management of an age-diverse workforce in the company. Social Development and Security, 13(1), 97-110.
Social Sciences