Peculiarities of the organization of operational and service activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Keywords: forces and means, capabilities, operational service activity, planning, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine


Purpose: provide recommendations on the use of forces and means of the State Border Service of Ukraine in new conditions.

Design/Method/Approach (only for empirical papers): the recommendations are based on an analytical method based on the analysis of the state of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in accordance with modern conditions.

Findings: recommendations were made to the management bodies of the State Border Service of Ukraine regarding the formation of new forces and means, the order of their use together with other components of the security and defense sector.

Theoretical implications (if applicable): the recommendations allow with sufficient adequacy to present the most essential aspects of the work process of management bodies during the planning of operational and service activities and to ensure a rational sequence of management procedures.

Originality/Value: the novelty of the recommendations is to bring units and subdivisions to a single structure that is compatible with other components of the security and defense sector, which will allow to improve the quality of the performance of tasks in the border areas.

Future research: in the course of further research, it is expedient to improve the models of actions of forces and means of the State Border Service of Ukraine during the stabilization operation and defense operation.


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How to Cite
Servatyuk, V., Zakharchuk, D., & Kastelan, S. (2023). Peculiarities of the organization of operational and service activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 13(1), 23-28.
National and Military Security