Analysis of defense costs and capabilities of the Israeli armed forces (comparison of defense costs in Israel, Russia, Ukraine)

Keywords: analysis, defense spending, capabilities, war, economy, security


Purpose: analysis of defense expenditures and capabilities of the Israeli armed forces, as well as a comparative analysis of defense expenditures of Israel, Russia, and Ukraine.

Design/Method/Approach: the main methods of research are the methods of statistical analysis, military-economic analysis, comparison, synthesis and generalization.

Findings: the main principles of Israel's defense doctrine are defined; the existing capabilities of the Israel's armed forces are presented; Israel's defense expenditures were analyzed and the main trends of these expenditures were determined.

Theoretical implications: is the formation of a theoretical base for a justified assessment of the possible costs of Ukraine for its defense and the development of its own armed forces.

Paper type: descriptive and calculation-analytical.


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How to Cite
Semenenko, O., Chernyshova, I., Taran, O., Motrunych, I., Kravchenko, Y., & Petrenko, S. (2022). Analysis of defense costs and capabilities of the Israeli armed forces (comparison of defense costs in Israel, Russia, Ukraine). Social Development and Security, 12(6), 131-139.
Social Sciences

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