The impact of international sanctions on the production and export capabilities of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

Keywords: sanctions, export, weapons, smuggling, import


Purpose: assessment of the impact of international sanctions on the production and export capabilities of the military-industrial complex (MIC) of the Russian Federation.

Design/Method/Approach: is empirical method, expert evaluations.

Theoretical implications: A list of specific factors related to international sanctions against the Russian Federation affecting the export and production capabilities of the Russian military-industrial complex.

Practical implications: The weaknesses of the industrial potential of the Russian military-industrial complex in the context of international sanctions are identified, ways and methods of circumventing these sanctions by the Russian Federation in order to organize illegal imports of military technologies and components for the creation of modern weapons are revealed.

Value: This study shows the directions of improving the international sanctions policy based on the analysis of the activities of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation in the chain “logistics – production – export of defense products” in modern conditions.

Future research: This study paves the way for future research on the formation of mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of international sanctions in the export activities of defense products in the world.

Papertype: is expert-empirical.


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How to Cite
Begma, V., Shemaev, V., Radov, D., Onofriychuk, A., Onofriychuk, V., & Tolok, P. (2022). The impact of international sanctions on the production and export capabilities of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. Social Development and Security, 12(6), 79-90.
Social Sciences