To the problem of food safety in the Armed Forces under the threat of radiation contamination

Keywords: radioactive pollution, radiation threat, food service, man-made disaster, food decontamination


Purpose: is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of preventive measures that can minimize the risks of food contamination as a result of man-made disasters associated with the shelling of nuclear power plants and other critical infrastructure facilities by a terrorist state, or the use of “dirty bombs” by Russia.

Method: historical method, method of comparison.

The results of the study: it was determined that the addition of radionuclides to food intended for the Armed Forces is a time-consuming and inefficient process. Given this, the probability of its use is minimal. Radioactive contamination due to the explosion of a nuclear bomb will have a complex nature, as a result of which food decontamination in the radioactive zone will not have any effective result.

Value: Food services of the Armed Forces should know how to carry out preventive measures aimed at preventing radionuclides from entering food products in the event of a man-made disaster, as well as cleaning contaminated food.

Papertype: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Yakymynska, L., Pasternak, I., & Ivanitskyi, D. (2023). To the problem of food safety in the Armed Forces under the threat of radiation contamination. Social Development and Security, 13(1), 144-151.
Civil Security