The concept of planning operational and service activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Purpose: creation of the concept of building a methodology for planning operational and service activities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
Design/Method/Approach: the concept uses such scientific methods of research as: SWOT analysis - to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the conditions of everyday activities, in the conditions of the complication of the situation and in the conditions of a military nature, opportunities and threats and justification of the directions of the further development of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to ensure effective use of the border agency in fundamentally new conditions; expert assessment method - for assessing the importance of factors and parameters of threats, influence and vulnerability in relation to the threat of organized crime activity; matrix method for assessing the correspondence of countermeasures to scenarios (situations, methods) of actions of organized crime; the method of branches and bounds – for evaluating intermediate results and quality; analytical methods - for carrying out operational-tactical calculations of the capabilities of border units; method of network planning and management.
Findings: the main result of the conducted research is the created concept of operational-service planning of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in modern conditions.
Theoretical implications: this approach allows you to determine the order of planning operational and service activities of the forces and means of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the general system of security and defense of the state.
Originality/Value: the proposed concept is one of the auxiliary tools for planning operational and service activities of parts and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
Future research: in the future, it is necessary to conduct a study with the involvement of other components of the security and defense forces of the state.
Paper type: theoretical.
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