Status and priorities of the development of the Ukraineʼs arms under the conditions of martial law

Keywords: defense-industrial complex, martial law, challenges


Purpose:  analysis of the state of the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law and justification of its development priorities.

Method: analysis, empirical method and SWOT analysis.

Theoretical value of research: the article expands the meaning of the concept of “defense-industrial complex” and expands the composition of its participants, specifies changes in the structure of the defense-industrial complex.

Practical value of research: the development potential of Ukraine's defense industry based on partner interaction with the external environment has been revealed.

Value of research: this study shows ways to achieve a balance between the challenges and opportunities for the development of Ukraine's defense industry under martial law.

Type of article: theoretical.


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How to Cite
Shemaev, V., Onofriychuk, A., & Tolok, P. (2022). Status and priorities of the development of the Ukraineʼs arms under the conditions of martial law. Social Development and Security, 12(4), 46-55.
Social Sciences