Research of the processes of managing aviation combat formations of various structures

Keywords: inter-aircraft navigation, reformation, bi-connected control algorithm, formation parameters, “rocking” formation


The purpose of the article is to improve the efficiency of aviation and significantly increase flight safety. The approach of the study is the modeling of the processes of controlling aviation combat formations using different control methods. The results of the study are focused on the most promising areas of development of the researched combat order management systems. The theoretical value of the study is to increase the efficiency of the use of aviation due to the increase in the effectiveness of combat orders of aviation groups. The practical value of the study is to increase flight safety by increasing the effectiveness of interaction between aircraft in battle order. The value of the research is that the problem of creating control systems for aviation combat formations is at the stage of practical implementation, which will definitely lead to an increase in the efficiency of the use of aviation and a significant increase in flight safety.


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How to Cite
Artyushin, L., Gerasymenko, V., Yerko, V., & Nausenko, B. (2021). Research of the processes of managing aviation combat formations of various structures. Social Development and Security, 11(5), 221-234.