Information support constituents of the state military security
In the article, based on the results of the analysis of various approaches and views regarding the components of the information support of the military security of the state and the study of relevant sources, the authors propose a systematization of the main components of the information support of the military security of Ukraine. In particular, the authors see the following components of information support: its purpose; task; subjects; objects; methods; procedures; information resources and results. The tasks solved in the process of information support are divided by the authors into external and internal ones depending on their orientation. Tasks considered as external are: support of interaction by other states; explanation of the implemented policy to the foreign public, influential international organizations, the population and public institutions; formation of a positive image of the state in world public opinion; during the period of preparation and conduct of hostilities – forcing the conflicting parties to cease hostilities; undermining the morale and will of the military-political leadership, troops and population of the enemy; reducing the intensity of the use of armed violence in a military conflict. Among the internal tasks are: forecasting potential dangers and threats to military security, as well as developing a mechanism for an adequate response to them, forming the scientific and doctrinal foundations of military policy; identification and analysis of information needs of subjects of military policy; collection, analysis, assessment and monitoring of information about the internal and external military-political situation, information support of military-political decision-making processes; provision of the armed forces' management system with relevant information, etc. The given systematization of the main components of the information support of the military security of the state will allow in further studies to substantiate the tasks, composition and principles of the construction of the information support system as an important component of the system of providing military security of Ukraine.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Alexey Solomitsky, Oleg Semenenko, Oleksandr Fedchenko, Olha Taran, Nataliia Semeniuk

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