The work of government agencies to assess the vulnerability of the state border protection system

  • Artem Bratko National academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
  • Oleksandr Bilovskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
Keywords: risk analysis, vulnerability, capabilities, operational and service activities, planning, information and analytical support


The main result of the study is an improved method of assessing the vulnerability of the state border protection system in the area of ​​responsibility of the border unit to counter the threat of organized crime, which in contrast to the existing additionally takes into account scenarios of organized crime and compliance with these scenarios. The methodology involves assessing the vulnerability based on an assessment of each factor that determines it. The advanced method of vulnerability assessment uses such scientific research methods as: SWOT-analysis and scenario method - to build and evaluate scenarios of organized crime; expert assessment method - to assess the importance of factors and parameters of threats, impact and vulnerability to the threat of organized crime; matrix method for assessing the compliance of methods of counteraction to scenarios (situations, methods) of organized crime; analytical methods - for conducting operational and tactical calculations of the capabilities of border units to identify and detain persons involved in organized crime.


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How to Cite
Bratko, A., & Bilovskyi , O. (2022). The work of government agencies to assess the vulnerability of the state border protection system. Social Development and Security, 12(1), 30-39.
National Security