General aspects of estimating the economic security of the state using the indexes (indicators) of sustainable development

Keywords: economic security, sustainable development, indices, indicators


The article is devoted to the analysis of approaches to assessing the economic security of the state, identifying the main groups of indicators that are used for such an assessment, as well as identifying problematic issues in this area. The article examines the main indices and indicators of sustainable development that are used in world practice and analyzes the presence of a correlation between them and indicators of economic security. The authors define the advantage of indicators (indices) of sustainable development over those that are used today when assessing the economic security of the state, which consists in a more rational selection, taking into account the most important factors that affect economic security, as well as the relative independence of the statistics of indices (indicators) of sustainable development from changes in national methods of statistical accounting and the internal political environment, the availability of data for all countries in the public domain. The article proposes a general approach to the construction of a system of indices (indicators) of sustainable development for assessing economic security and defines a promising methodological approach to aggregating indicators that will not be tied to national methods for assessing private indicators and will allow taking into account a wide range of factors, clustering them, and also compare different states in terms of the level of economic security.


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How to Cite
Solomitsky , A., Semenenko , O., Voronchenko, I., Slyusarenko , M., Afanasyev , O., & Pekuliak , R. (2021). General aspects of estimating the economic security of the state using the indexes (indicators) of sustainable development. Social Development and Security, 11(6), 209-216.

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