The model of the organizational and technical weapons and military equipment recovery system
Analysis of wars and armed conflicts in recent years and the performance of tasks by military units (subunits) in a United Forces operation (anti-terrorist operation) confirms that the success of the troops (forces) in performing tasks will depend on the performance of the logistics system.
The availability of military units with serviceable weapons and military equipment (WME) ensures the fulfillment of the mission and the advantage over the enemy.
At the same time, the timeliness of providing military units (subunits) with serviceable weapons and military equipment depends on the efficiency of the logistics system, namely, on the recovery subsystem, which is its component.
However, as studies have shown, there is currently insufficient sufficiency of the recovery system. All this is related to the definition of the composition of forces and means and the structure of the WME recovery system at different levels of the hierarchy.
Therefore, in the article, it is considered that for the WME recovery system, the main parameter is the allowable time of WME recovery, differentiated by levels of complexity of tasks. Determination of this parameter for the basic variant of construction of WME recovery system is proposed using the average indicator of the intensity of the flow of possible volumes of tasks on the WME recovery.
To determine the rational structure of WME recovery system and to calculate its main parameters the combined method of optimization of WME recovery system was used. Containing two stages: on the first - based on the requirements to the permissible terms of WME recovery system, the rational structure of the recovery system is defined, and on the second – using the method of statistical modeling, the parameters of the structure and composition of forces and means of the WME recovery system at each level of the hierarchy are defined.
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