Formalization of the task of choosing promising rolling stock for maintenance and repair of military vehicles
The intensive development of military automobile technology is raised by increased requirements for moving means of maintenance and repair of military automotive equipment during their appointment. It should be understood that the purchase of one nomenclature of military automobile technology entails the need to create repair kits in the Armed Forces for repair and restoration units (military units) of different levels of the hierarchy that will be used to maintain and repair these samples of military automobile technology. In addition, it should be borne in mind that existing military motor vehicles and repair of military automotive techniques are not fully adapted to perform work on new samples due to the lack of technological equipment. Consequently, there are no contradictions between the possibilities of repair units on arms, which are morally and physically obsolete movable means of maintenance and repair, and the needs of maintenance and repair of new samples of military automotive techniques adopted in recent years in recent years in which completed guarantee lifetime. Outdated equipment of existing moving means of maintenance and repair, lack of diagnostic tools, modern means of communication, tools and special devices that are intended for repair of new samples of military automotive techniques, reduce the production capabilities of repair units (military units), and sometimes Generally make it impossible to return to the operation of military automotive engineering, which requires maintenance or repair.
Therefore, in the article based on comparative analysis of the possibilities of moving means of maintenance and repair and needs for maintenance and repair of new samples of military automotive technology, the nature of combat and operational damage to military automotive technology in local wars and armed conflicts, operations of the united forces in the territory Ukraine conducted a comparison of qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The scientific task was formulated regarding the principles of constructing a rational structure of moving means of maintenance and repair of military automotive machinery and their elements at different levels of the hierarchy.
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