To the question of the military-economic problem of planning the development of the armed forces of Ukraine as a basic element of ensuring its national security

Keywords: military economy, national security, armed forces, defense spending, development of the armed forces


The foundation of Ukraine's national security, as well as one of its most important functions, is to ensure its economic security, which is possible only if Ukraine's national interests are protected from any forceful pressure and encroachments with the use of military force. Therefore, among the main prerequisites for ensuring national security and further economic development of Ukraine, the role of its military security should be considered along with economic, and under certain circumstances the former may even acquire a priority. In the Armed Forces of Ukraine, work continues to improve the efficiency of defense planning and the management of defense resources. The development of any armed forces is determined by a complex of economic, political, scientific, technical and other factors closely interconnected. The level of development of the armed forces largely depends on the amount of resources allocated to meet defense needs. Because the resources of the state are limited, the problem of finding an expedient part of the resources that need to be allocated for defense needs is always one of the most relevant in the development of its armed forces. One of the key points in the effective planning of the use of the armed forces according to the appropriate scenario is the correct, well-founded determination of the amount of necessary defense resources (human, logistical, financial). The article forms a system of views on the military-economic problems of planning the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as the main element of ensuring its national security, and also identifies a number of unfavorable and favorable factors of the influence of defense spending on the development of the national economy of the state and the level of its national security.


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How to Cite
Voronchenko , I. (2021). To the question of the military-economic problem of planning the development of the armed forces of Ukraine as a basic element of ensuring its national security. Social Development and Security, 11(1), 259-270.