A simulation model of the functioning of measuring instruments metrological maintenance system for weapons and military equipment parameters control based on Petri nets

Keywords: metrological maintenance, simulation, Petri nets, measuring instruments


Today, in the context of the weapons and military equipment intensive development, means of monitoring its parameters, information and digital technologies, and in the context of the phased NATO standards implementation in the Ukraine Armed Forces, one of the priority tasks for the development of Ukraine Armed Forces is the creation of effective systems for ensuring samples weapons, which include the metrological maintenance system of measuring instruments for their parameters control. The solution of such a problem in an analytical way is, as a rule, difficult, and in some cases, it is essentially impossible. As a result, there is a large number of interconnections both between the elements of the system and between heterogeneous means of measuring parameters control within each element. Well-known methods of simulation allow to analyze and obtain information about the structure and dynamic behavior of the system, evaluate it and develop proposals for its improvement or change. In this regard, to solve problems of this type, the article proposes to use the theory of Petri nets for imitating the functioning of the metrological maintenance system of measuring instruments for weapons and military equipment parameters control.


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How to Cite
Diadechko , A. (2021). A simulation model of the functioning of measuring instruments metrological maintenance system for weapons and military equipment parameters control based on Petri nets. Social Development and Security, 11(5), 179-189. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2021.11.5.17