The results of the assessment of the main tactical, technical and economic indicators of modern types of multipurpose tactical fighters

Keywords: fighter, cost, purchase, life cycle


The article presents the results of a study of the modern and promising world arms market in the sector of multipurpose tactical fighters. Based on the application of the methodological approach developed by the authors and the constructed complex of mathematical models, the analysis of the tactical, technical and economic indicators of the main types of modern multipurpose tactical fighters, which are currently designed and mass-produced, and which can be considered as alternative options for procurement in order to update the fleet combat aircraft of tactical aviation of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The alternative types of multipurpose fighters selected by the research objects fully comply with NATO standards and in the medium and long term will constitute the main range of such products on the world arms market. With the help of qualimetric models and based on the generalization of data on the tactical and technical characteristics of the types of multipurpose tactical fighters selected for the study, contained in open sources of scientific and technical information, the values of the generalized indicators of the combat properties of these types of aircraft were assessed, namely, the values of the coefficients of the combat potential of the aircraft in the destruction of air and destruction of ground (surface) targets. According to the obtained estimates of the indicators of combat properties and using the mathematical model of the cost of a multipurpose fighter, the obtained values of the price of one serial sample of each type of aircraft and the cost indicators of its life cycle in prices of a fixed financial year. Also, by using the constructed mathematical model, the maximum possible rates of mass production of certain types of multipurpose fighters were quantified. Based on the obtained quantitative estimates of tactical, technical and economic indicators and analyzing the official information on the contracts already concluded for the supply of serial samples of multipurpose fighters to various importing countries, an assessment was made of the possible timing of obtaining a given number of new serial products for the needs of tactical aviation of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then there is an assessment of available purchases.


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How to Cite
Leontiev , O., & Naumenko, M. (2021). The results of the assessment of the main tactical, technical and economic indicators of modern types of multipurpose tactical fighters. Social Development and Security, 11(5), 11-32.