Comprehensive methodology of research and formation of components of the military-economic potential of the state

Keywords: military-economic potential, economic potential, human capital, technological development


The article is interesting for specialists in the economic sphere engaged in researching problems of economic and military-economic potential. The purpose of the article is to develop existing approaches to research and form components of the military-economic potential of the state. The scientific task was settled by analyzing existing approaches to research and evaluation of military-economic potential, approaches to evaluating human capital and technological development of the state economy as key components of military-economic potential, their development and development of methodology for evaluating the technological development of the state economy.

In the course of achieving the research goal, the following methods of scientific knowledge are used: historical analogy, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, system approach.

During the research conducted: a comprehensive methodology for the study of military-economic potential of the state is improved; the method of calculating the index of human capital of the state is improved; The methodology of evaluation of technological development of the state economy is developed taking into account the technological development of the defense-industrial complex.


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How to Cite
Tkach, M. (2020). Comprehensive methodology of research and formation of components of the military-economic potential of the state. Social Development and Security, 10(4), 192-208.

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