Theoretical and methodological bases of implementation of conceptual documents of strategic and defense planning

Keywords: implementation, documents, strategic planning, defense planning, incorporation, transformation, reference


The article is based on the analysis of a set of regulations in the field of state defense; domestic experience in the implementation of regulatory documents in the field of public administration and experience in the implementation of strategic planning documents in NATO member states:

the system of conceptual documents of strategic and defense planning is formed;

substantiated and proposed new approaches to the interpretation of basic terms in the field of implementation of conceptual documents;

the theoretical and methodological bases of implementation of conceptual documents of strategic and defense planning are construction) and set the concept of changing these parameters and properties over time.


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How to Cite
Nalyvayko, A. (2021). Theoretical and methodological bases of implementation of conceptual documents of strategic and defense planning. Social Development and Security, 11(4), 71-80.