Dependence of the level of efficiency of servicemen on the parameters of their medical care

Keywords: efficiency, duration of treatment, level of diagnosis, frequency of medical examinations, mathematical model


The article establishes the dependence of the efficiency factor of servicemen on the level of quality of diagnosis in the medical and sanitary part, seeking medical help, the duration of treatment, the intensity of false requests for medical help at certain values of the remaining parameters of the mathematical model. The results of the research are obtained on the condition that the function of time distribution between diseases of servicemen is exponential in nature, and the processes of mathematical modeling are described by a semi-Random Process.


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How to Cite
Mirnenko , V., Shekera , O., Pustovoy , S., Yablonsky, P., Butenko, M., & Piavchuk , O. (2021). Dependence of the level of efficiency of servicemen on the parameters of their medical care. Social Development and Security, 11(4), 60-70.