Synthesis of rational structures of joint aviation groups combat formation

Keywords: combat formation, joint aviation group, automatization of command and control, complex graph, matrix of structure, rational structure


The existing combat command and control strategy, based on the command and control method of the leader or chief, naturally cannot stimulate the involvement of a structural analyze to solve command and control problems. The skill of the aerobatics in the group is reduced to the level of training of pilots, whose ability to control their place in combat formation is limited and enclosed in the scheme: the leader – the led. The orientation to automate the command and control of joint combat formations of manned and unmanned aviation, in the absence of a pilot on board the unmanned aerial vehicle, takes the problem beyond the modeling (simulation) of the actions of the pilot in the performance of group flight and provides for the task of structural and parametric optimization of the combat formation parameters of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles in the combat formation area. The essence of the problem lies in significantly improving the effectiveness of existing principles of command and control and implementation of fundamentally new ways of command and control by combat formations, which are based on improving the capabilities of navigation and monitoring the aircraft's place in combat formation. One way to achieve these goals is to develop methods to find sustainable and well-controlled structures.


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How to Cite
Artyushin , L., Herasymenko , V., & Koval , V. (2021). Synthesis of rational structures of joint aviation groups combat formation. Social Development and Security, 11(3), 209-220.

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