Some aspects of problematic issues in the management of defense resources

Keywords: resources, defense resources, procedure, process, project, resource management


Since the early 2000s, humanity has gradually entered another active phase of change against the background of changes in social, political, technological nature. In addition, the gap between developed and other countries has widened, accompanied by a gap in the conceptual apparatus due to changes in the very essence of relations, including management (management) in social groups (teams). In order to keep up with international management practices, the article presents the basic principles of standards for the construction and management of resource management processes in NATO member countries (ISO 9000, PMBOK, PRINCE2, etc.). A partial analysis of the defense resources management system in Ukraine was conducted. The process of resource management in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (MOU) and the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) as the main state bodies in the field of defense and resource management is considered. Deficiencies in the resource management system have been identified and certain proposals have been made to improve the defense resources management process.


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How to Cite
Postnikov , A., Yasenko, S., & Drynov, D. (2021). Some aspects of problematic issues in the management of defense resources. Social Development and Security, 11(1), 229-236.