Ways to create, maintain and increase the military-economic potential of the state
The article is of interest to specialists, both in the economic and defense spheres, who are engaged in research on issues related to meeting the military-economic needs of states, both in peacetime and in wartime. The purpose of the article is to determine the place of military-economic needs in the general structure of the needs of the state and the country as a whole. The defined scientific task was solved by determining the nature, structure and dynamics of changes in the military and economic needs of the state. In the process of achieving the goal of the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, system approach, historical analogy. The analysis of sources shows that the issues of assessing the military-economic potential and meeting the military-economic needs of countries in the world are receiving more and more attention. According to the authors, this is due to increased defense spending and as a consequence of the total world military power. The article presents the structure of military-economic needs, their dynamics over time, their impact on the development of the country's military economy. The dependence of military-economic needs on the military-economic potential of the state is shown and the main measures of the state level are formed, which directly affect the level of military-economic potential of the state.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mykola Tkach, Anatoliy Loyshyn, Igor Kulinich, Anatoliy Polishchuk

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