Actualization and ways of system approach to risk management in occupational health and safety

Keywords: occupational health and safety, risk evaluation, risk minimization, occupational danger, automated system.


Substantiation of the need to introduce a system approach to risk management in occupational health and safety management systems and identification ways to implement it. 1. To identify the existing disadvantages of the practical implementation of the stages of the risk management process in occupational health and safety. 2. To substantiate and propose mathematical models for the objective implementation of the Plan procedure of the risk management process in occupational health and safety. 3. To analyze the functionality of existing automated systems of the dangers minimization to ensure the effective functioning of Do – Chek - Act procedures in occupational health and safety. 4. To propose the automated management system of occupational health and safety at the enterprises for objective implementation of Do – Check – Act procedures within the OHS management systems of the enterprises. Analysis of scientific and technical literature and regulations in occupational health and safety, probabilistic and statistical methods, Markov analysis. It is established that the existing methodological approaches to risk management in occupational health and safety ensure for the implementation of only four of the eight necessary stages (stages of risk evaluation) of the relevant process provided by the PDCA methodology. Mathematical models, which allow to set the relationship between occupational health and safety costs and the risk level, as well as to set the probability of not exceeding the accumulation in the employee of the consequence of certain harmful factors impact and occupational injuries at random during the workshift are substantiated and proposed for use.  The main disadvantages of the existing automated systems of risk minimization in occupational health and safety, which are the impossibility of minimizing the negative “human factor” signs and the impossibility of prompt normalization of the parameters of harmful production factors on the employee over time are identified. The automated management system of occupational health and safety, which allows to conduct constant monitoring and prompt correction of parameters of impact on the employee of negative factors within the values set by results of risk evaluation is substantiated and offered for application.


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Author Biography

Andrii Bochkovskyі, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite
BochkovskyіA. (2020). Actualization and ways of system approach to risk management in occupational health and safety. Social Development and Security, 10(3), 93-103.