New approaches to the development of integrated methods of civil security

Keywords: complex methods, emergency prevention, impact on the environment.


The problem of development of complex methods of prevention of emergencies with cumulative and impulse negative impact on the state of the environment, which by their nature belong to the range of tasks of common problems of scientific directions of civil protection and ecological safety, is considered in the research. In order to solve this problem, a wide range of related tasks have been consistently considered, which allowed within the existing global approaches to the formation of research methodology in the field of rapidly advancing spheres of natural and man-made social environment, to investigate the process of dialectical transformation of civil security. its main stages and characteristic conditions. The latter made it possible to identify logical connections that significantly reduced the existing methodological differences of special methods of certain scientific areas and unambiguously agree on the choice of a group of methods to prove the reliability of the results within the application of the required complex methods. This allowed: first, to develop general approaches to the study of common problems of scientific areas of civil protection and environmental safety and to determine the main logical functional and temporal links of complex methods of emergency prevention with cumulative and impulse impact on the environment; secondly, to develop the structure of a comprehensive method for assessing and preventing emergencies with cumulative and impulse impact on the environment, which consists of functional elements of special methods of scientific directions of civil protection and environmental safety, which combined with direct and inverse functional and temporal connections.


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Author Biography

Sergiy Azarov, Institute for Nuclear Research NAS of Ukraine

Провідний науковий співробітник


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How to Cite
Azarov, S., Divizinyuk , M., Loboichenko , V., Mirnenko , V., & Shevchenko , R. (2020). New approaches to the development of integrated methods of civil security. Social Development and Security, 10(3), 51-63.

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