Raising of the labor protection level and improving the international labour organization methodology for the occupational hazards assessing
This work presents an analysis of the existing methods for the occupational hazards assessing. A matrix for assessing the occupational hazard rate has been developed and the International Labour Organization methodology for the occupational hazard assessing has been improved. Five levels of the consequences severity, five levels of the probability of harm to the employee and the hazard rate from the minimum value of 1 (discarded hazard) to the maximum – of 10 (critical hazard) have been developed. In order to determine the hazard rate caused by any physical, chemical and biological danger factors, the frequency of accidents, the deficiencies in ergonomics and any psychological overloads, some criteria for the matrices were developed. The consequences of the harm caused may be: minor, light, medium, severe and catastrophic. The improved methodology makes it possible to take into account the catastrophic consequences, that can occur during an emergency, such as fire, explosion, accident, disaster, etc. The probability of the occupational hazards may be: XS – from “eXtra Small” – very little, S – from “Small” – little, M – from “Medium” - middle-sized, L – from “Large” – big, XL – from “eXtra Large” – very big and XXL – from “eXtra Large” – very-very big. The improved methodology defines the following: the discarded, insignificant, small, moderate, acceptable, admissible, significant, unacceptable, maximum and the critical hazard. The improved methodology for the occupational hazard assessing was tested at а dairy plant. The adequacy and the accuracy of the results of determining the occupational hazard rate of the improved methodology in comparison with the results of the existing one have been established. Some occupational hazard management measures were proposed and implemented for raising of the labor protection level.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Bohdan Tsymbal, Yuriy Dreval, Dmytro Shapovalov , Dmytro Shapovalov , Maksym Shapovalov

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