Method for evaluate the effectiveness of providing the exploitation and renewal of armament and military equipment resources

Keywords: logistical support, samples of armament and military equipment, operation, reconstruction, resources.


The results of the research published in the article will be useful for logistics specialists who are engaged in the organization of the provision of resources (material and technical means) for the processes of operation and renewal of armament and military equipment (AME). The article discusses existing approaches to logistic support of operations (combat actions) and methodological approaches to assess the effectiveness of its operation. The influence of factors and problematic issues on the creation of a modern logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is analyzed. The scientific substantiation of determination of indicators of efficiency of delivery of resources in the system of logistic support is offered with the purpose of improvement of functioning of the system of delivery of resources for further consideration during planning of activity. According to the results of the analysis, the urgency of making a quick and correct decision in managing the provision of necessary resources was determined. The dependence of resource efficiency on the type of resources, the intensity of applications for their use, and the capabilities of the system to create and replenish resources have been established. The basic concepts and typical structures of the resource delivery system for working out of the research materials are clarified.

Based on the analysis, it was found that the evaluation of the efficiency of the system of maintenance of the processes of operation and restoration of AME resources should be carried out by the results of the evaluation of the efficiency of providing the resources of each type individually and further determination of the system performance indicators as a whole, taking into account the corresponding total costs for providing the resources, which allowed to offer methodological an approach to assessing the effectiveness of operating processes and the renewal of AME resources themselves, which allows to take into account the implemented strategy of replenishment of resources and rationality of the selected transport network in the conditions of both peacetime and fighting.On the basis of the proposed methodological approach, the directions of further researches were determined concerning: determination of the list of initial data for determining the characteristics of the routes of resource delivery; determining the number of characteristics that are being optimized; forming a methodological approach for determining a rational transport network in the logistics system.


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Author Biographies

Pavlo Openʹko, The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Ph.D., Head of the Scientific-research Department of the Aviation and Air Defence Institute

Mykola Myroniuk, The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Senior Reseacher of the Scientific-research Department of the Aviation and Air Defence Institute

Vladislav Kobzev, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Ph.D., Senior Reseacher, Senior Reseacher of the Scientific-research Department

Dmytro Fomenko, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Ph.D., Senior Reseacher of the Scientific-research Department


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How to Cite
OpenʹkoP., Myroniuk, M., Kobzev, V., & Fomenko, D. (2020). Method for evaluate the effectiveness of providing the exploitation and renewal of armament and military equipment resources. Social Development and Security, 10(1), 143-155.