Simulation model of the communication repair process in the mechanized brigade repair unit

Keywords: simulation model, communication tools, communication system survivability, enemy fire damage, limited technical reliability, service probability, mechanized crew


The article analyzes the current state of information exchange in the control system of a mechanized brigade during its combat operations in the anti-terrorist operation, the operation of the combined forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the east of the country. It is determined that the mechanized crew communication system has a low level of survivability. The cause is a large amount of communication damage due to enemy fire damage and limited technical reliability. Maintaining a given level of survivability of the communication system is possible primarily through the timely restoration of damaged communications.Existing models that can be used to determine the estimated number of recovered communications tools are analyzed. Strengths and weaknesses are identified and directions of improvement are formulated.A simulation model developed on a personal computer in the AnyLogic 7.0.2 Professional software environment, the process of repairing communications in the repair unit of a mechanized team, which, unlike existing ones, takes into account the intensity of communication failure due to enemy fire damage combat periods, as well as communication tools that fail due to limited technical reliability.The type of queuing system used to describe the recovery process of communications in the mechanized repair unit is justified. The algorithm of work of simulation model of process of communication means restoration in repair unit of mechanized crew is given.Let's calculate the number of recovered communications using a simulation model of the communication recovery process in a mechanized brigade repair unit using a hypothetical example. The dependence of the likelihood of communication services on the number of communication repair masters has been determined. 


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How to Cite
Ishchenko, A. (2020). Simulation model of the communication repair process in the mechanized brigade repair unit. Social Development and Security, 10(1), 56-66.