Emotional intelligence in the professional life of a security manager

Keywords: security manager, emotional intelligence, culture, professional work


The aim of this paper is to present considerations related to the meaning and role of emotional intelligence in the professional work of security manager. The very issue of emotional intelligence is richly described in the literature on the subject, therefore the authors decided to use for the preparation of this study the methods of analysis of source materials and the methods of observation and development of own experiences resulting from many years of professional life practice. The meaning and essence of the article describes not the very definition of a security manager but the influence of emotional intelligence on his or her professional work, especially in the conditions of mixing influence of many cultures. Responsiveness is a sendoff of a matter that is supported by a person's emotional intelligence, referred to in the article as a "driver". In the article, the functional triangle of emotional intelligence which consists of a protective, creative and motivating function and is presented on the basis of Goleman's work. The article is summarized in a form of a practical message that can be used for further research.


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Author Biography

Aleksander Sapiński, Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law
Currently I am working on two doctoral dissertations at the same time. I am working on a doctoral dissertation which will deal with the literary-linguistic image of a man of success in the New Testament in the field of literature studies(ATH B-B) andin the area of security studies, I am preparing my doctoral dissertation about the impact of social capital on cross-border security (KA im. A.F.M). In the field of management I deal with: multigeneration management, CSR, diversity management, humanistic management, etc. I am also lecturing and conducting research at the Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law During my free time I am the President of the Association of Organic Production and Tourism BEST PROEKO in Jeleśnia (Poland).


Available from: woroniecka.com

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How to Cite
Sapiński, A., Ciupka, S., & Tomanik, R. (2020). Emotional intelligence in the professional life of a security manager. Social Development and Security, 10(1), 79-83. https://doi.org/10.33445/sds.2020.10.1.9