Improvement of educational activities in order to develop the logistics system of the Armed forces of Ukraine

Keywords: logistics, educational activities, logistics specialists, security system, Armed Forces.


In the article, the authors considered the logistics system of the NATO countries, analyzed a number of components of the training and certification of qualified logistics specialists, searched for ways to adapt their skills to military applications in the context of Ukraine’s integration with NATO. The necessity of introducing the training of logistics specialists in higher military educational institutions, military educational units of higher educational institutions is substantiated, and recommendations for their preparation are given.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Kivlyuk , The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,

Head of the Department of Logistics of the Air Force.

Mykola Tkach, The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

candidate of technical sciences,

Head of the Department Defence Management.

Anatolii Loishyn , The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Post-graduate student.

Yuri Gannenko, The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Post-graduate student.


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Abstract views: 702
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How to Cite
Kivlyuk , V., Tkach, M., Loishyn , A., & Gannenko, Y. (2019). Improvement of educational activities in order to develop the logistics system of the Armed forces of Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 9(6), 112-124.

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