Increased efficiency of the functioning of systems for the restoration of military equipment by improving the organization of production and technological processes

  • Bohdan Biliavskyi The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi
Keywords: military equipment, production process, production cycle, technological process.


The paper provides recommendations on improving the organization of production and technological processes for the repair of military equipment in assessing the effectiveness of the recovery system for this equipment. In assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of military vehicle recovery systems, measures must be taken to improve the functioning of this system. The manufacturing process is described by various indicators.Reducing the production cycle is one of the important tasks of organizing the production process and is ensured by improving the introduction of new equipment and technology, mechanization and automation of production in operations to restore parts for disassembling and assembling military vehicles, and technical control of the construction of the production process in accordance with the principles discussed in the article.


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Author Biography

Bohdan Biliavskyi, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Post-graduate military student


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How to Cite
Biliavskyi, B. (2019). Increased efficiency of the functioning of systems for the restoration of military equipment by improving the organization of production and technological processes. Social Development and Security, 9(3), 127-136.