Innovative ICT solutions and/within/for changing security environment. Case study – NATO DEEP ADL Portal and Social Media
The Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) is a vehicle for reform, providing tailored practical support to individual countries in developing and reforming their professional military education institutions. Through faculty development, curriculum development and peer-to-peer consultations, the DEEP Programme fosters defence capacity building, cooperative capability development and standardisation and promotes interoperability of processes and methodologies to enhance democratic institutions. With the support of more than 350 experts from approximately 75 defence education institutions in NATO member and partner countries, DEEP provides host countries with the assistance needed to respond to the most pressing requirements for modernisation and reform. In this context and based on requests from the ADL expert community in DEEP Partner countries, IS-PASP has taken the initiative to provide a NATO/DEEP-owned Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Portal to the DEEP community. The purpose of the DEEP ADL Portal is two-fold: (1) serve as a repository/ catalogue of online courses used by the professional military education institutions in NATO Allies and DEEP Partner countries; (2) facilitate ADL Designers in NATO Allied and DEEP Partner countries in the design of online courses by enabling them to: (1) exchange their expertise, knowledge and ideas on ADL; and (2) design online courses. The Portal aims at being a comprehensive solution that will not only allow the deepening of cooperation within the DEEP Programme, but also influence the dissemination of ideas in defence education and thus increase the reach of the programme. At the same time, it will create a compendium of expertise in the use and implementation of new technologies in defence education and training. Working together with Partners and sharing resources and courses will empower NATO in its objective of modernising and reforming military education institutions.
Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) natohq/topics_139182.htm (access 14.05.2019)
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