Protection of civilians in armed conflicts: Estonian experience

  • Irina Shopina Lviv State University of Internal Affairs
  • Serhii Tarasov Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Keywords: civilian population, protection of the population, protection of the civilians, concept for protection of civilians.


The article contains an analysis of the laws and regulations of the Republic of Estonia that cover protection of civilians. It is also including the role, functions and tasks of the subjects of protection of the civilians during: crisis informing, evacuation, preemptive actions and emergency assistance to the population during a crisis. In addition, possible ways to increase the awareness of the civilian population of the Republic of Estonia in the event of a crisis are analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Irina Shopina, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

Doctor of Science., Professor, Professor of the Department of Administrative and Legal Disciplines.

Serhii Tarasov, Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

PhD, Head of Research Department.


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Zakon Estonsʹkoyi Respubliky pro natsionalʹnu oboronu vid11.02.2015 roku № RT I 2015/147 [National Defense Act dated 11.02.2015 № RT I 2015/147]. Available from: (in Estonian).

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How to Cite
Shopina, I., & Tarasov, S. (2019). Protection of civilians in armed conflicts: Estonian experience. Social Development and Security, 9(4), 102–110.