Legal background of cyber defence in Ukraine

  • Victoria Roller Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Spartak Gogonyants The National University Defense of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky
  • Igor Koropatnik Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: cyber protection, cyber defense, defense of Ukraine, aggression in cyberspace.


The modern world is not the first year talking about the possibility of conducting hostilities in cyberspace. This happened after 2010, when on the example of Iran the world saw that malicious software could have a significant impact on reality and stop the processes taking place in the real world. At the moment, even regulation has been developed on how these cyber confrontations are to take place and on what rules to take place (the theoretical developments laid out in the first and second Tallinn Manuals are meant).

In Ukraine, the process of legal regulation of securing the cybersecurity of the country is precisely the issue, which began to explore quite late in 2015, when the Strategy for the Cybersecurity of Ukraine was adopted. The development of issues regulated by this Strategy has been carried out in several laws and other normative legal acts. But, unfortunately, the existing legal regulation does not answer many questions that Ukrainian society may face in the sphere of the dominance of information technology and the Internet of things.

From 2014, Ukraine is in a state of armed conflict with an aggressor-the Russian Federation. Over the years, the Ukrainian army has learned to stably defend the borders and restrain the aggressor's attack, but there is a new, yet unknown battlefield - cyberspace. In this regard, the question of how to resist any aggressor in the cyberspace is relevant and required to be studied.

The article will discuss the main provisions of the normative and legal regulation of the implementation of the cyber defense in Ukraine, and the theoretical procedure for carrying out actions on the cyber defense. The main issues of legislative regulation are identified, which hinder the prompt and correct implementation of the response to cyber attacks against Ukraine.


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Author Biographies

Victoria Roller, Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Igor Koropatnik, Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Ph.D., Associate Professor.


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How to Cite
Roller, V., Gogonyants, S., & Koropatnik, I. (2019). Legal background of cyber defence in Ukraine. Social Development and Security, 9(4), 74 -.